What Is a Pipe Clamp and How Does It Work?

Date Posted:13 February 2023 

It can be tough for pipes to fit perfectly into a given space, so pipe clamps are a great way to adjust them. They let you ensure the pipes are securely suspended, away from any potential damage from walls or other objects. While pipe clamps are an extremely useful tool, only some know about them. With these handy items, you can ensure your pipes are always safe and secure.

How a Pipe Clamp Works

A pipe clamp is a device that securely holds a pipe. It is typically composed of two semicircular clasps which fit around the pipe. Bolts connect the two pieces, tightly holding the pipe in place. This provides strong support for the pipe and prevents it from moving.

Pipe clamps are devices that provide stability and support to pipes. They keep pipes from smashing into other hard surfaces, protect from corrosive elements, and enable safer and more efficient setups in industrial applications. With the help of pipe clamps, pipes can be properly secured, and potentially costly damage can be avoided.

Why Use Pipe Clamps

Pipe clamps secure pipes in place, ensuring they are not prone to movement, damage, or other issues that could cause the system to malfunction. Here are the benefits of using them:

  • You can raise the pipes off corrosive surfaces by attaching a pipe shoe to a pipe clamp. This ensures that dangerous microorganisms will not grow or spread, and metal will not be exposed to harsh surfaces, which could cause it to wear down.
  • You can secure pipes to a ceiling or suspended structure using pipe clamps and a threaded rod. This provides a safe way to suspend pipes in areas where they are not in danger of being damaged.
  • Protect your pipes from the unexpected by using pipe clamps. These clamps are designed to keep your pipes secure and in place, even during intense shaking or vibration. They help prevent leaks and ruptures so your pipes remain safe and secure in any environment.

How to Install Pipe Clamps

As you install pipe clamps, here are a few things to remember:

  1. When selecting a pipe clamp, focus on the materials it is constructed from. Different metals can create an electrochemical reaction that causes corrosion. To avoid this, you should use galvanised piping or pipe clamps that are galvanised or made of stainless steel. This will help protect your pipes and clamp from damage.
  2. To protect your pipe clamps from corrosion and abrasion, you can line them with non-metallic shields. APP can provide a variety of liners that can absorb vibrations, lessen the risk of metal-to-metal contact, and ultimately save you money in the long run.
  3. Pay attention to the amount of space between your pipes. If they are drooping or unsteady, double-check the installation. Make sure to read the pipe supports' instructions on the product page before installing them. Follow the directions closely.
  4. Take the necessary time to ensure that the bolts are sufficiently tightened. If the pipe clamps come apart, the heavy pipes they support could fall and cause damage. When putting in pipe clamps, ensure that the bolts are secured tightly enough that they will not come undone but not so tight that they start to strip.


Pipe clamps are an essential tool for any plumbing project. They secure pipes and other plumbing materials to the wall or floor, ensuring a secure and stable fit. Pipe clamps work by providing a tight grip on the pipes, allowing them to be fitted securely without any extra effort. They are an invaluable tool for any plumbing project and can make installing pipes much easier and faster.

National Welding Supplies is a leading welding equipment supplier in Australia. We offer high-quality industrial tools and welding equipment that suit all your welding requirements. If you’re looking for reliable pipe welding clamps that do the job, we’ve got you covered. Browse our shop now!

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